Flakes, flakes, flakes...

I måndags parkerade två hantverkarbilar utanför vår port. De skall byta stammar i köket. Vi har hotats med att om vi inte släpper in dem får vi böta 40 000 kr. Så självklart stoppade vi lydigt nyckeln i nedsläppet vid föreningens kontor redan i söndags. Hade maken fått bestämma hade den legat där, prydligt märkt med lägenhetsnummer, sedan i lördags lunch. För att vara på den säkra sidan.  

Hantverkarna kom, och försvann. Bilarna står här utanför porten hela dagarna men några hantverkare har vi knappt sett till.  Vi uppmanades att tömma klädkammaren så att de skulle komma till. Så nu ligger alla prylar på golvet i biblioteket i stället. Allt från min gamla smutsiga studentmössa till fjäderboan till den rosa kylboxen i frigolit. Luckorna i köket står öppna, någon har borrat några små hål in till grannen. Vattnet är avstängt och vi äter numera ute på kvällarna.

Och hantverkarna lyser med sin frånvaro. Förutom en stege och några gamla rörstumpar som ligger och skräpar nere i trappen.  Idag har dom enligt uppgift varit här och borrat ännu ett hål, ryckt i lite kablar och märkt om nyckeln efter eget system.  

Det är inte utan att man tänker på en gammal favoritlåt av en saligen hädangången idol.


Flakes! Flakes!
Flakes! Flakes! 
They don't do no good
They never be workin'
When they oughta should
They waste your time
They're wastin' mine
California's got the most of them
Boy, they got a host of them
Swear t'God they got the most
At every business on the coast
Swear t'God they got the most
At every business on the coast
They got the Flakes 

Flakes! Flakes! 

They can't fix yer brakes
You ask 'em, "Where's my motor?"
"Well it was eaten by snakes . . ."
You can stab 'n' shoot 'n' spit
But they won't be fixin' it
They're lyin' an' lazy
They can be drivin' you crazy
Swear t'God they got the most
At every business on the coast
Swear t'God they got the mostA
t every business on the coast
[Take it away, Bob. . .] 

I asked as nice as I could
If my job would
Somehow be finished by Friday
Well, the whole damn weekend
Came 'n' went, Frankie
[Wanna buy some mandies, Bob?]

'N'they didn't do nothin'
But they charged me double for Sunday
You know, no matter what you do
They gonna cheat 'n' rob you
Then they'll send you a bill
That'll get your senses reelin'
And if you do not pay
They got computer collectors
That'll get you so crazy
Til your head'll go through th' ceilin'
Yes it will! 

I'm a moron 'n' this is my wife
She's frosting a cakeWith a paper knife
All what we got here's
American madeIt's a little bit cheesy,
But it's nicely displayed
Well we don't get excited when it
Crumbles 'n' breaks
We just get on the phone
And call up some Flakes¨
They rush on over'
N' wreck it some more'
N' we are so dumb
They're linin' up at our door
Well, the toilet went crazy
Yesterday afternoon
The plumber he says
"Never flush a tampoon!"
This great information
Cost me half a week's pay
And the toilet blew up
Later on the next day ay-eee-ay
Blew up the next day WOO-OOO 

We are millions 'n' millions
We're coming to get you
We're protected by unions
So don't let it upset you
Can't escape the conclusion
It's probably God's Will
That civilization
Will grind to a standstill
And we are the people
Who will make it all happen
While yer children is sleepin',
Yer puppy is crappin
'You might call us Flakes
Or something else you might coin us
But we know you're so greedy
That you'll probably join us
We're comin' to get you, we're comin' to get you
We're comin' to get you, we're comin' to get you
We're comin' to get you, we're comin' to get you
We're comin' to get you, we're comin' to get you
(Frank Zappa)


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